Our policies.


Aims and Policy Statement

Aims and Policy statement

Play statement

Charity details

Management of the Preschool


1.0 Foundation Policies

1.1  Admissions

1.2  Application to join (TBC)

1.3  Parents as partners- Parental involvement

1.4  St Thomas Preschool Fees

1.5  Extended Hours

1.6  Preschool Code of Conduct

1.7  Tax Free Childcare


2.0 Child Protection

2.1 Children’s Rights and Entitlements (TBC)

2.2 Safeguarding and Child Protection

2.3 Looked After Children

2.4 Missing Child

2.5 Separated Parent

2.6 Uncollected Child

2.7 Acceptable Use (TBC)

2.8 E-Safety

2.9 Intruder

2.10 Attendance and Punctuality

2.11 Prevent Duty

2.12 Smart Phone and Camera Use


3.0 Suitable People

3.1 Safer Recruitment                                                                                                                                                                         

3.2 Whistleblowing                                                                                                                                                                                   

3.3 Children at Playgroup and Close Relatives                                                                                                                             

3.4 Non Uniform                                                                                                                                                                                 

  3.5 Staff Wellbeing                                                                                                                                                                                 

3.6 Student Placements                                                                                                                                                                             

3.7 Babysitting                                                                                                                                                                                      

3.8 Volunteers


4.0 Staff Qualifications

4.1 Staff Induction                                                                                                                                                                          

4.2 Accident Procedure                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

4.3 Supervision


5.0 Key Person

5.1 Key Person                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

5.2 Settling In


6.0 Staff Child ratios

      6.1 Staffing Structure


7.0 Heath

      7.1 Medicines and Illness                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

      7.2 First Aid and First Aid Supplies

      7.3  Administering Medicines

      7.4  Managing Children with Allergies or Who Are Sick or Infectious

      7.5  Nappy Changing

      7.6  Conjunctivitis

      7.7 Accident Procedure

      7.8  Food and Drink

      7.9  Nutrition

      7.10  Food Hygiene

      7.11 Lunch Boxes

      7.12 Food in Play

      7.13 Immunisation

      7.14 Guide to Immunisations (UKHSA)

7.15 Infectious Diseases

8.0 Managing Behaviour

      8.1 Achieving Positive Behaviour

      8.2 Biting


9.0  Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment

       9.1 Health & Safety

       9.2 Maintaining Childrens’ Safety & Security on Premises

       9.3 Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits

       9.4 Risk Assessment

       9.5 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation

       9.6 No Smoking

       9.7 Substance Misuse

     9.8 Animals in Setting


10.0 Equal Opportunities

     10.1 Equality

     10.2 SEND


11.0 Data Protection (GDPR)

     11.1 Privacy Notice

     11.2 Information Sharing

     11.3 Providers’ Records

     11.4 Transfer of Records to Schools



12.1 Assessment

12.2 Physical Activity



13.1 Complaints

13.2 Discipline and Grievance